All Episodes

Displaying episodes 91 - 120 of 770 in total

Ep 789 – MFM: The Streaking Samurai

Mormon missions aren’t exactly everything you think they are. Glenn shares some stories about his missionary trainer, aka “The Streaking Samurai.” Fill out the Mindfu...

788 – MFM: Regret

Glenn shares one of his greatest regrets.  The phone call that he wishes he would have had with his former best friend, before that best friend took his own life.   F...

Ep 787 – MFM: Priesthood, Pornography, and Barry Manilow

Glenn recalls a very entertaining priesthood lesson.  Yes, this actually happened.   Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here Schedul...

Ep 786 – Transgender Testimony Time

Glenn responds to listen “Annie” an active PIMO (Physically In, Mentally Out) BYU Student whose dear friend married a transgender woman and has to hide it from everyon...

Ep 785 – SMACKDOWNS ONLY: The Poelman Smackdown

The story of the Mormon church trying to flush a slightly off-message conference talk down the memory hole back in 1984.  What was so “off message” that they had to tr...

Ep 784 – Former Mormon Musings on Existential Dread

Glenn responds to a listener’s question: “How do you replace religious existential dread for more ‘real’ existential dread about climate crisis, political and economic...

Ep 783: Reflections – 50 Ways to Leave the Church

Welcome to February 2022.  The Infants on Thrones podcast will be turning 10 years old this year. To reflect upon the impact that this podcast has made on my life — ...

Ep 782 – The One True Truth

That’s right.  The One True Truth is finally here. Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here. Support the podcast on Patreon here

Ep 781: Reflections: John Dehlin – The Reluctant Atheist

Pushing pause on the 13-part reflections series, but first — this.   Glenn Ostlund will be speaking and leading two breakout sessions at the Jan 22, 2022 Thrive Confe...

Ep 780 – Reflections: Excommunication The Musical

Welcome to January 2022.  The Infants on Thrones podcast will be turning 10 years old this year. To reflect upon the impact that this podcast has made on my life — a...

Ep 779 – Reflections: Infants on Mormons Stories

Welcome to January 2022.  The Infants on Thrones podcast will be turning 10 years old this year. To reflect upon the impact that this podcast has made on my life — a...

Ep 778 – Reflections: The NEW Book of Abraham

Welcome to January 2022.  The Infants on Thrones podcast will be turning 10 years old this year. To reflect upon the impact that this podcast has made on my life — an...

Ep 777 – Reflections: Anthology of Awesomeness

Welcome to January 2022.  The Infants on Thrones podcast will be turning 10 years old this year. To reflect upon the impact that this podcast has made on my life — a...

Ep 776 – Reflections: An Ayahuasca Story

Welcome to January 2022.  The Infants on Thrones podcast will be turning 10 years old this year. To reflect upon the impact that this podcast has made on my life — an...

Ep 775 – Infant Christmas Gifts P9: A Very Merry Visit from Death

For the ninth – and final — gift of Infant Christmas, an Infant gave to me, a brand new sorta-Christmassy mini-sode from 2021 called, “A Very Merry Visit from Death.”

Ep 774 – Infant Christmas Gifts P8: Light the World Christmas Smackaround

For the eighth gift of Infant Christmas an Infant gave to me, a re-birthed episode from 2016 called: “Light the World Christmas Smackaround.”

Ep 773 – Infant Christmas Gifts P7: Disproving Santa

For the seventh gift of Infant Christmas an Infant gave to me, a re-birthed episode from 2015 called: “Disproving Santa.”

Ep 772 – Infant Christmas Gifts P6: The Gift of Christmas Past

For the sixth gift of Infant Christmas an Infant gave to me, a re-birthed minisode from 2015 called: “The Ghost of Christmas Past.”

Ep 771 – Infant Christmas Gifts P5: Away in a Manger – The Smackdown.

For the fifth gift of Infant Christmas an Infant gave to me, a re-birthed episode from 2015 called: “Away in a Manger: The Smackdown.”

Ep 770 – Infant Christmas Gifts P4: First Presidency Christmas Message (featuring Neil Diamond)

For the fourth gift of Infant Christmas an Infant gave to me, a re-birthed mini-sode from 2015 called: “First Presidency Christmas Message (featuring Neil Diamond).”

Ep 769 – Infant Christmas Gifts P3: Bah Humbug – The Dallin H. Oaks Christmas Card mini-Smackdown

For the third gift of Infant Christmas an Infant gave to me, a re-birthed mini-sode from 2015 called: “Bah Humbug – The Dallin H. Oaks Christmas Card mini-Smackdown.”

Ep 768 – Infant Christmas Gifts P2: Zelph on the Shelph

For the second gift of Infant Christmas an Infant gave to me, a re-birthed mini-sode from 2014 called: “Zelph on the Shelph.”

Ep 767 – Infant Christmas Gifts P1: The Christmas Jesus and Stuff

For the first gift of Infant Christmas an Infant gave to me, a re-birthed episode from 2014 called: “The Christmas Jesus and Stuff.”

Ep 766 – The Word of Weird-dom Chapter Eight: Watching the Wheels

I really love to watch them roll.

Ep 765 – The Word of Weird-dom Chapter Seven:

If you chance to meet a frown, do not let it stay. Simply put it in the “eternal perspective” box, and reframe that frown away. (Or at least let it know it has a legit...

Ep 764 – The Word of Weird-dom Chapter Six: Deconstructing Belief

Do beliefs just go away, or do they simply change? For example, does “I do not believe in God” mean the same thing as “I do believe that there is no God?”

Ep 763 – The Word of Weird-dom Chapter Five: Intelligences and The Fictional Apology of Joseph Smith Jr.

Is it actually true that even a blind squirrel finds an acorn sometimes?

Ep 761 – The Word of Weird-dom Chapter Four: The Evolving Testimony

What happens when belief becomes a burden that you actually do bear? (Bare? Bear? Bare?)

Ep 760 – The Word of Weird-dom Chapter Three: The Worms and the Cheese

Or the stain-glassed kaleidoscope of my Mormon-formed mind. You choose.

Ep 759 – The Word of Weird-dom Chapter Two: My Mormon-formed Mind

Da da da da da, dadadada. Da da da da da da. Da da. (da da)

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