Ep 810: The Sin is in the Secret – Healing Shame after a life of Mormon Programming

Jared Rohrer joins a panel of Reed, Jess, Curt, Wren and Glenn to discuss his experience healing intense self-loathing and shame about his sexuality.   You can follow Jared’s Instagram at https://instagram.com/jaredrdc?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

Jared Rohrer joins a panel of Reed, Jess, Curt, Wren and Glenn to discuss his experience healing intense self-loathing and shame about his sexuality.


You can follow Jared’s Instagram at https://instagram.com/jaredrdc?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

Ep 810: The Sin is in the Secret – Healing Shame after a life of Mormon Programming
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