All Episodes

Displaying 121 - 150 of 770 in total

Ep 758 – The Word of Weird-dom Chapter One: Musings on The Nature of Religion

Do as I’m doing.  Or don’t.

Ep 757 – November 2015 LDS Exclusion Policy Revisited

Where were you when you first heard about the November 2015 Exclusion Policy? Fill out the new Mindfulness Survey here. Support the podcast on Patreon here

Ep 756 – True Spooky Mormon Ghost Story Story

Glenn shares a true Mormon story about a truly spooky ghost story that is truly Mormon and truly spooky and even more truly a story. Fill out the new Mindfulness Surv...

Ep 755 – Exploring the Holographic Mind with Jake Parent

Glenn is joined once again by non-woo-woo, non-crystal-clutching Jake Parent to discuss psychedelics, consciousness, the nature of reality, and the holographic mind. ...

Ep 754 – The Psychedelic Origins of Mormonism: An Interview with Author Cody Noconi

Glenn speaks to author Cody Noconi about his research into the psychedelic origins of Mormonism. Fill out the new Mindfulness Survey here. Support the podcast on Pat...

Ep 753 – The Baby and the Bath Water

Glenn shares a Patreon sharing time episode about reactions and over-reactions and how to marry a mormon. Fill out the new Mindfulness Survey here. Support the podc...

Ep 752 – A (Mormon-formed) Mind Full of MindFULLNESS

Today Infants on Thrones celebrates crossing the threshold of 7 million total downloads (and Glenn’s recent recovery from Covid) by sharing a few thoughts about mindfu...

Ep 751 – Infants on COVID: A 5-D Perspective (with Mormons on Mushrooms)

I am beyond thrilled to welcome back the full Mormons on Mushrooms panel of Mike, Shelise, and Doug – yes, welcome back Doug!  And yes, it is another episode where w...

Ep 750 – Infants on COVID: An Introduction to Steel-Manning

Can steel-manning an argument help me change my partner’s mind? Join the new study group here. Fill out the Return to Kolob Extra Terrestrial Belief Survey here. ...

Ep 749 – Free Will Revisited: A Discussion on Certainty, Black & White Thinking, and the Interconnectedness of All Things

Does “Free Will” mean that your choices are independent from everything that is? Join the new study group here. Fill out the Return to Kolob Extra Terrestrial Bel...

Ep 748 – John’s God, Randy’s God, and Optimistic Nihilism

Welcoming back beloved Infant brothers John Hamer and Randy Snyder to talk about God, meaning, and Randy’s miraculous conversion to the Jehovah’s Witnesses.   Join th...

Ep 747 – An Open Letter to Elder Jeffrey R Holland

Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.  Yes, a smackdown of Holland’s recent talk.  Also known as Musket Love.   Join the new study group here. Fill ...

Ep 746 – What’s the deal with Synchronicity?

Glenn is joined once again y Shelise and Mike from the Mormons on Mushrooms podcast to talk about synchronicity and whether or not the still small voice is what lead t...

Ep 745 – How to Walk Away from the Mormon Church without Burning so many Precious Bridges

Ryan is a listener of Infants on Thrones.  Ryan is super angry at the Mormon church.  Ryan wants to burn it all down, but all of Ryan’s family and friends are still in...

Ep 744 – The Glass Looker: Collected Tales of Joseph Smith, A Graphic Novel by Mark Elwood

Wouldn’t it be cool if there was gorgeous graphic novel telling the magical stories of Joseph Smith as a treasure digger?  Well, now there is.  Thank you Mark Elwood...

Ep 743 – Confessions of a Millennial PIMO

Can logic and faith co-exist?  Zach really wants to know.  Zach is a 31-year old actor, teacher, and father of two with one foot in the LDS church and one foot out.  H...

Ep 742 – Sealed: An Unexpected Journey into the Heart of Grace (a conversation with author Katie Langston)

Glenn interviews Katie about her book “Sealed: An Unexpected Journey into the Heart of Grace,” which feels the story of an anxious devout young Mormon girl who grows u...

Ep 741 – Deep Earth Voice: The Butterfly and the Cloud

Do you know your own mind?

Ep 740 – Deep Earth Voice: What Now?

Time for another story.

Ep 739: What is Real?

It's not just the title of a 1989 Mormon propaganda video.  Glenn is joined once again by Mike and Shelise fro the Mormons on Mushrooms podcast to discuss Mormonism t...

Ep 738: Calm is Contagious (and so is everything else): Another Mind-Expanding Conversation with Dr. Jerome

Is it really possible to choose your thoughts like you choose your clothing? Dr. Jerome, a functional neurologist, weighs in. If you are interested in learning mor...

Ep 737 – Return to Kolob: Joseph Smith vs. Wendy Kennedy – Eternal Progression through a Peepstone-produced Playground of 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Perspectives, Part Four

More playing around in the world of fiction and symbols to cobble together some sense of meaning in a world we might all be making up as we go along. Check out the n...

Ep 736 – Return to Kolob: Joseph Smith vs. Wendy Kennedy – Eternal Progression through a Peepstone-produced Playground of 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Perspectives, Part Three

The discussion continues with Mike and Shelise from the Mormons on Mushrooms podcast.  Today we talk about soul groups, soul contracts, blueprints, overlays, and walk...

Ep 735 – Sgt Prophet’s Open Hearts Club Virtual Study Group Thingy

If you are interested in a more interactive and collaborative podcasting experience, sign up for the new study group: Fill ...

Ep 734 – Return to Kolob: Joseph Smith vs. Wendy Kennedy – Eternal Progression through a Peepstone-produced Playground of 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Perspectives, Part Two

Mike and Shelise from the Mormons on Mushrooms podcast join Glenn to discuss the similarities and differences between Wendy Kennedy’s Pleiadian Perspectives and Joseph...

Ep 733 – Return to Kolob: Joseph Smith vs. Wendy Kennedy – Eternal Progression through a Peepstone-produced Playground of 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Perspectives, Part One

Mike and Shelise from the Mormons on Mushrooms podcast join Glenn to discuss the similarities and differences between Wendy Kennedy’s Pleiadian Perspectives and Joseph...

Ep 732 – Return to Kolob: Here is Some of the Fruit of That Tree

All onions have layer.  Not all layers have onions.  This is sound logic.  Absence of evidence may be evidence of absence, but ignorance of evidence is most definitely...

Ep 731 – Return to Kolob: The Search for Extra-terrestrial Intelligence (An Interview with Reuben Langdon)

Reuben Langdon is an international stuntman, actor, filmmaker, and video game star who has worked on movies like Avatar, Pirates of the Caribbean, Power Rangers, Scot...

Ep 730 – Return to Kolob: UFO Disclosures, Extra-dimensional Channelling, Other-Worldly Origins of the Mormon Church and YOU, Part 1

We are not alone. The truth is out there. The worth of a soul is great. The field is white, ready for the extra-dimensional harvest. Buckle up. This is going to be fu...

Ep 729 – Healing Breathwork with Jake

Glenn sits down with Jake Parent (who is not a woo-woo crystal-clutcher) to discuss his healing role as a breathwork facilitator.   Take a few minutes to fill out this...

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