All Episodes

Displaying 211 - 240 of 770 in total

Ep 637 – An Insatiable Need for Justice and the Meandering Search for Karma, P4

Is the world completely devoid of justice? At least one listener thinks so. What can we learn about justice and karma from Kristy Johnson’s 2019 documentary No Crime i...

Sharing Time 80 – TIME OUT

Pushing pause on the Justice and Karma series to reflect on what is currently going on in the world that we are each a significantly insignificant piece of.   Lov...

Ep 636 – An Insatiable Need for Justice and the Meandering Search for Karma, P3

Glenn and Tom discuss Neorosurgeon Eben Alexander’s Near Death Experience a way to better understand justice and karma.

Ep 635 – An Insatiable Need for Justice and the Meandering Search for Karma, P2

Tom really hates it when bad people get away with doing bad things. It almost makes him wish there was an afterlife, just so the bad guys can be punished. But what abo...

Ep 634 – An Insatiable Need for Justice and the Meandering Search for Karma, P1

Tom just hates it when good things happen to bad people — maybe you can relate.  Will there ever be justice in this life?  What about the idea of Karma?  Rank McBaddon...

Ep 633 – Seven Deadly Heresies: The Smackdown, Part 5

Glenn, John, Bob, Randy and Mike discuss finish up this 5-part series on McConkie’s 7 Deadly Heresies.  We may not have covered everything perfectly.  But good news.  ...

Ep 632 – Seven Deadly Heresies: The Smackdown, Part 4

Glenn, John, Bob, Randy and Mike discuss #5 and #6 of McConkie’s deadly heresies.  Namely, that people can progress from kingdom to kingdom in the eternities (#5) and ...

Ep 631 – Seven Deadly Heresies: The Smackdown, Part 3

Have you ever thought that getting married/sealed in the temple guarantees your salvation?  WRONG!  What about the thought that baptisms for the dead give sinners a se...

Ep 630 – Seven Deadly Heresies: The Smackdown, Part 2

Originally published April 22, 2018. Mike Tannehill makes his triumphant return to defend Bruce R. McConkie as Glenn, John, and Bob’s take on evolution; the 2nd of McC...

Ep 629 – Seven Deadly Heresies: The Smackdown, Part 1

How deadly can a heresy be?  Listen in as Glenn, John, Bob, and Randy smack down some Bruce R. McConkie and figure it all out.  So that you don’t have to. The BYU Spee...

Ep 628 – Week of Tannehill – Noah’s Ark and the Intentional Literalist

The last frock in the Week of Tannehill series, this was originally published in March 2014.  Mike Tannehill joins us once again for this unofficial follow-up to The ...

Ep 627 – Week of Tannehill – The Unintentional Racist

Mike Tannehill (love him or hate him) is fighting the good fight against the Mormon church. Or at least against the influence of those liberal academic types trying to...

Ep 626 – Week of Tannehill – The Devil

Bob, Jake, Glenn, and Matt talk to Mike Tannehill about the devil — and evil – and his whole devilish role in the Plan of Salvation — and a whole bunch of other stuff....

Ep 625 – Week of Tannehill – The Signs of the Times

What does the “latter day” in Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints actually mean?  When is the end of the world coming and what are the signs that it is near? T...

Ep 624 – Week of Tannehill – The Apostasy

Glenn takes you back to the 4th episode of Infants on Thrones, originally published in September 2012.  It is a surprisingly good Radio Lab styled episode, centering o...

Ep 623 – Week of Tannehill – The Curious Case of the Abrahamic Covenant

What is the Abrahamic covenant and why is it so important to Mormons like Mike Tannehill?  For listeners who do not know Mike Tannehill, get ready.  He’s making a retu...

Ep 622 – Don’t Eff with Cats – A Discussion on the Problem (or Conundrum) of Evil, Victims, Villains, Strangers & Observers

Tom, Randy, and Matt break down and discuss what a Netflix docu-series about sex, murder, and cats teaches about humanity and the problem of evil.

Ep 621 April 2020 GC Review Pt 1

April 2020 General Conference Review, Part 1. Matt and Tom breakdown the General Conference of the Apocalypse. They provide the analysis that only these infants can ab...

Ep 620 – The Hand and The Glove

What is true?

Ep 619 – The Ghosts of April Fools Past

Two missionary stories.  One totally true.  The other mostly true.  Both incredibly foolish.  Enjoy.

Ep 618 – To Fear or Not to Fear

That is the question?

Ep 617 – Why God sent the Coronavirus: aka Bathing with an Atheistic God

Two excerpts from a book in progress for your listening pleasure during this time of social distancing.

Ep 616 – Church House Rock: The Complete Collection

Another blast from the past.  All four of the Church House Rock parodies together in one episode.  Enjoy,

Ep 615 – Excommunication the Musical: Five Years Later

A blast from the past semi-musical, semi-dramatic recreation of John Dehlin’s pre-excommunication interview featuring Jake Frost, Matt Long, John Hamer and Glenn Ostlu...

Ep 614 – Carl the Casual Satanist: The Complete Collection

Brother Jake flexes his brilliant satirical muscles while comparing a Mormon faith crisis to a Satanic faith crisis in these 4 mini episodes, complete in one episode f...

Ep 613 – Love Your Dark Thoughts: A Special Valentines Day Ram Dass Tribute by a Happy ExMormon

Do you love your dark thoughts?  What does that even mean?  Listen in to see what you think.

Ep 612 – Mormon Intelligences and Abraham Hicks

What was that thing that Joseph Smith taught about intelligences again? Glenn sits down with Christopher to discuss. Fill out the Beliefs Survey here.

Ep 611 – Mormon Mysticism with Bryce Haymond, P1

Glenn sits down with self-acknowledged Mormon Mystic Bryce Haymond to discuss the one-ness of all things.   Check out more from Bryce at Thy Mind O Man

Ep 610 – Tithing Settlement P2 – One-month Follow-up on Lars Nielsen and The 124 Billion Dollar LDS Church Tax Fraud Story

Glenn and Tom (sorta) sit down once again with Lars Neilson to discuss the fall out from last month’s Letter to the IRS Director, and specifically discuss the most rec...

Ep 609 – Saturday’s Warrior: Sing-a-long Smackdown

Mormon doctrine set to music.  A throwback episode to March 2015.  Enjoy!

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