All Episodes

Displaying 631 - 660 of 771 in total

Ep 140 – Faith and Doubt

Glenn shares one of the last talks he gave in Sacrament meeting.  And then rips it to shreds, self-smackdown-styles. For those of you who like a transcript, you can fi...

Ep 139 – Infants on Mormon Stories – Pt 2

Part two of John Dehlin’s interogation of the Infants panelists (at least until the tables are turned and we start interrogating him).

Ep 138 – Infants on Mormon Stories – Pt 1

In this two-part series John Dehlin joins us for a discussion about… us.  He also says a really bad word, or three.

Ep 137 – The Life and Times of Stephen Erastus Knudsen III

Glenn shares a satirical essay from his past, and maybe, possibly, kinda sorta teases an upcoming episode (for those who truly endure to the end).

Ep 136 – The Problem Makers

Randy, Alison, Glenn, and John Hamer join Mike Bohn to discuss his Listener Essay – The Problem Makers.

Ep 135 – Why Kate Kelly was Ex’d and John Dehlin hasn’t been (yet) Smackdown

Glenn, Bob, Matt, and Scott speculate on the speculating speculators.  Yesterday (Dec 2, 2014) John Dehlin publicly speculated why Kate Kelly was excommunicated and wh...

Ep 134 – Infants on Feminists Pt. 2

Part 2 of the discussion is here.

Ep 133 – Infants on Feminists Pt. 1

Chelsea joins Matt, Tom, Bob, and Glenn to discuss Feminism.  Or, more accurately, to discuss how to discuss Feminism with Feminists.  Or, even more accurately, to dis...

Ep 132 – Brother Jake Explains: Mormonism is Not a Cult

Jake, Tom, and Glenn discuss the newest Brother Jake video: Mormonism is Not a Cult. If you have suggestions for future Brother Jake videos, or just want to drop Jake ...

Ep 131 – Meet The Mormons

Scott, Randy, Matt, Bob and Alison review the smash hit “Meet the Mormons,” the Box Office Phenomenon that sent gentile-America scrambling to the baptismal fonts.  In ...

Ep 130 – Guess Who Said It

Alison asks a very simple question in a very creative way: “What is the difference between the advice given in LDS General Conference vs. the fortune-cookie wisdom fou...

Ep 129 – Brother Jack – Confirmation Bias

Move over Brother Jake — there’s a new Sheriff in town!  (with a slightly lower register) You can watch the Eyring video Brother Jack talks about here:

Ep 128 – King Follett Re-visited

Glenn is joined by John Hamer, Chelsea Shields Strayer, and Brother Jake Frost to discussion The King Follett Discourse.

Ep 127 – Mr Deity and the Mormon Testimony

Brian Dalton (aka “Mr. Deity”) joins Randy, Jake, Scott, and Bob to discuss his newest The Way of the Mister video: The Mormon Testimony (spoiler alert: they are kinda...

Ep 126 – The King Follett Discourse

No really.  This is the actual King Follett Discourse.  We actually, truly, beyond-a-shadow-of-a-doubt travelled back in time to record it.  (Yeah, deified Infants can...

Ep 125 – The Truth-Seeking Brain

Randy, Jake, and Glenn talk about truth-seeking brains, empiricism, naturalism, and the true origin of Arizona’s saguaro cactus.  Sort of.

Ep 124 – The TBM Whisperer – Nov 3, 2014

The TBM Whisperer tackles the top three stories from today on his Facebook “Trending News” feed.  Listen in to understand the news around Lena Dunham, Brittany Maynard...

Ep 123 – Too Sexy: A Small Halloween Treat

What was that you said?  Trick or what?  Oh, a TREAT… alight, OK.  You want a standalone version of this song, huh?  Well, here you go.  Have fun!  (Love the costume, ...

Ep 122 – Death

Nick shares a listener essay about his love for Halloween and it’s connection to the most tragic moments in his life.  Glenn and Chelsea join him for a panel discussion.

Ep 121 – (Non-magical) Temple Garments

Glenn, Matt, Chelsea, and Nick review the LDS Church’s recent video on temple garments. Spoiler alert: they are TOTALLY ancient and COMPLETELY legit and just EXACTLY l...

Ep 120 – Feminism and Activism

Chelsea Shields Strayer walks the boys through what it means to be a feminist and an activist.  We hope this isn’t offensive in any way. Think of it more as the first ...

Ep 119 – Nauvoo Polygamy Smackdown

John Hamer joins Glenn, Jake, Matt, and Randy to discuss the Mormon Church’s recent essay “Plural Marriage in Kirtland and Nauvoo.”

Ep 118 – The Problem of Evil – Part 2

Part 2 of the conversation between team Atheist (Randy, Jimmy, and Scott) and team Jesus (Mike and David), to discuss the Problem of Evil.

Ep 117 – The Problem of Evil – Part 1

Randy is joined by his older brother Jimmy and fellow infant Scott to get to know Mike and David, two post-Mormon Christians who explain how they deal with the problem...


Bob, Jake, Glenn, and Matt talk to Mike Tannehill about the devil — and evil – and his whole role in the Plan of Salvation — and a whole bunch of other stuff.

Ep 115 – Creepy Spooky Devil Talk – Part 1

Glenn, Matt and Randy talk about spooky Hell Houses, creepy mormon fear tactics, and a bunch of other devil kind of stuff.

Ep 114 – Seb’s General Conference Holland Rap

Listen in as Seb — our good friend from across the pond — knocks it out of the park again…. or whatever the equivalent is in Cricket. Take a listen, or watch it here o...

Ep 113 – The Placebo Effect – Part 3

In this follow-up discussion, Chelsea responds to Matthew’s listener essay “Cultural Relativism Can Bite Me.”  Bob, Glenn, and Scott fill out the panel.

Ep 112 – Nostalgia and stuff

Tom, Jake, Chelsea, Bob, and Glenn talk to Doug about his listener essay: “Nostalgia for Bloomington” and go on all kinds of interesting (just for the sake of self-con...

Ep 111 – Our Mormon Expression – Part 2

Part 2 of our stroll down Mormon Expression memory lane.

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