Ep 872 - The Further Light and Knowledge of Infants on Thrones
In this reflective minisode, Glenn explores the origins and evolution of the Infants on Thrones podcast. He shares personal insights from the podcast's beginnings in 2012, the inspiration behind its unique name, and how the themes have resonated and transformed over the years. Glenn discusses his journey in clinical mental health counseling and how his experiences as a gospel doctrine teacher, missionary, and podcaster have enriched his current work leading court-mandated domestic violence support groups.
Glenn delves into profound topics such as the King Follett discourse, the evolution of human intelligence, and the interconnectedness of all life forms. He reflects on anger management, the role of emotions in human evolution, and the significance of recognizing and understanding our own feelings. Additionally, Glenn invites listeners to contribute their own essays and ideas, fostering a community of shared perspectives and mutual growth.
Show Notes
Key Points:
- Podcast Origins and Evolution:
- The inception of Infants on Thrones in 2012.
- The inspiration behind the podcast's name from Joseph Smith's King Follett discourse.
- The metaphor of "infants on thrones" representing humanity's learning and growth stages.
- Personal and Professional Journey:
- Glenn's completion of his master's degree in clinical mental health counseling.
- His work with court-mandated domestic violence support groups.
- The integration of his past experiences into his current counseling practice.
- Philosophical and Spiritual Reflections:
- Insights from the King Follett discourse and its implications on human existence.
- The concept of evolving intelligence and awareness in both a spiritual and scientific context.
- The impact of emotions, especially anger, on human survival and evolution.
- Invitation to Listeners:
- Encouragement for listeners to submit their own essays and perspectives.
- The importance of diverse viewpoints and shared experiences within the podcast community.
- Future Topics and Ideas:
- Glenn's interest in exploring topics like Star Wars, moral foundations, and cultural divisions.
- Upcoming episodes focusing on themes like "The Righteous Jedi Mind" and the work of independent journalist Johnny Harris.
Listener Invitation:
- Glenn invites listeners to submit their own content to be featured on the podcast. Interested individuals can send their recordings to infantsonthrones@gmail.com for consideration.
- "We are in this learning and growing stage, exploring and getting things wrong, having really limited ways of processing and understanding reality at large."
- "Our brains have evolved the ability to be aware that we're aware that we're aware. And that's a level of awareness that neighboring primates don't seem to quite have."
- "I love this idea of different people sharing their perspectives and having it be in a place where it can be appreciated."
Links and Resources:
- Email submissions: infantsonthrones@gmail.com
- David Tong's YouTube video on Quantum Field Theory: Quantum Field Theory by David Tong
- Johnny Harris' YouTube channel: Johnny Harris on YouTube
- TED Talk on anger management: Why We get Angry and Why it is Healthy
Thank you for listening to Infants on Thrones. If you've been with us since the beginning or are just joining, we'd love to hear from you. Share your thoughts, contribute your essays, and be part of our growing community. Until next time, keep exploring, questioning, and learning