Ep 623 – Week of Tannehill – The Curious Case of the Abrahamic Covenant

What is the Abrahamic covenant and why is it so important to Mormons like Mike Tannehill?  For listeners who do not know Mike Tannehill, get ready.  He’s making a return to the podcast soon.  So think of “The Week of Tannehill” as a year supply of sorts, preparing for the end times, this time with extra weevils.

What is the Abrahamic covenant and why is it so important to Mormons like Mike Tannehill?  For listeners who do not know Mike Tannehill, get ready.  He’s making a return to the podcast soon.  So think of “The Week of Tannehill” as a year supply of sorts, preparing for the end times, this time with extra weevils.

Ep 623 – Week of Tannehill – The Curious Case of the Abrahamic Covenant
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