Ep 598 – Rewired: Changing the Ex-Mormon Narrative, Part 1

How many throughts do you typically think on any given day?  600-700 maybe?  6000-7000 maybe? Nope.  It’s 60,000 to 70,000 thoughts per day.  And 90% of those are thoughts that you are repeating from the previous day.  And 50% percent of your memories are false. What does that mean for the way you live your life? Today Glenn addresses these questions as he walks you through part of Dr. Joe Dispenza’s recent series on the brain: Rewired.

How many throughts do you typically think on any given day?  600-700 maybe?  6000-7000 maybe?

Nope.  It’s 60,000 to 70,000 thoughts per day.  And 90% of those are thoughts that you are repeating from the previous day.  And 50% percent of your memories are false.

What does that mean for the way you live your life?

Today Glenn addresses these questions as he walks you through part of Dr. Joe Dispenza’s recent series on the brain: Rewired.

Ep 598 – Rewired: Changing the Ex-Mormon Narrative, Part 1
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