Ep 401 – Weird Nutty Mormon History

How many Mormon Priesthood leaders does it take to rob a train? Which LDS prophet was poisoned a few days after attending a Bohemian Club in San Fransisco? Kenneth Lines has found a lot of nutty things in Mormon History. Just nutty, I tell ya. And he talks about a lot of them with Glenn, Bob, and John Hamer. And the nuttiest part is that you get to listen.

How many Mormon Priesthood leaders does it take to rob a train? Which LDS prophet was poisoned a few days after attending a Bohemian Club in San Fransisco? Kenneth Lines has found a lot of nutty things in Mormon History. Just nutty, I tell ya. And he talks about a lot of them with Glenn, Bob, and John Hamer. And the nuttiest part is that you get to listen.

Ep 401 – Weird Nutty Mormon History
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