Ep 367 – Check-up from the Neck-up

This one’s a two-fer.  Two episodes in one.  First, Glenn, Matt, and Scott talk about stuff.  Then, Randy, Glenn, Tom, Matt and Bob talk about more stuff.  Then there’s a pretty long easter egg at the end with even more talking about even more stuff.  And there’s that whole thing about three patterns.  Plus, you will never guess who is quitting Infants on Thrones!

This one’s a two-fer.  Two episodes in one.  First, Glenn, Matt, and Scott talk about stuff.  Then, Randy, Glenn, Tom, Matt and Bob talk about more stuff.  Then there’s a pretty long easter egg at the end with even more talking about even more stuff.  And there’s that whole thing about three patterns.  Plus, you will never guess who is quitting Infants on Thrones!

Ep 367 – Check-up from the Neck-up
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