Ep 328 – The Hazards of SHONE

Glenn provides an update on the SHONE project (Short History of Nearly Everything) and asks for some SHONEY volunteers.  And then – since it is December and all — Glenn also shares some music from The Decembrists (get it?)   He may even sing for you. Click here if you are interested in participating in the SHONE project: http://proprofs.com/survey/t/?title=jztaw Or click HERE if you are not.

Glenn provides an update on the SHONE project (Short History of Nearly Everything) and asks for some SHONEY volunteers.  And then – since it is December and all — Glenn also shares some music from The Decembrists (get it?)   He may even sing for you.

Click here if you are interested in participating in the SHONE project:


Or click HERE if you are not.

Ep 328 – The Hazards of SHONE
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