Ep 307 – Unrighteous Dominion: The Smackdown

Should LDS Bishops ask 7-year-old children if they “touch themselves” or if they show their private parts to others? Jake, Matt and Glenn dramatically and critically re-enact a real live secretly recorded bishops interview with a real live secretly recorded bishop.  If you believe that Prophets instruct Apostles, and that Apostles instruct General Authorities, and that General Authorities instruct Stake Presidents, and that Stake Presidents instruct Bishops, and that Bishops instruct Elders Quorum presidents and Relief Society Presidents, then you probably don’t need to worry if you are ever in a car accident.  And you would also certainly fail in a game of Six Degrees of God (i.e. Kevin Bacon). The reddit link with the original source material can be found here: Masterbation now a question for 8 year olds in the Baptismal interview. from exmormon

Should LDS Bishops ask 7-year-old children if they “touch themselves” or if they show their private parts to others?

Jake, Matt and Glenn dramatically and critically re-enact a real live secretly recorded bishops interview with a real live secretly recorded bishop.  If you believe that Prophets instruct Apostles, and that Apostles instruct General Authorities, and that General Authorities instruct Stake Presidents, and that Stake Presidents instruct Bishops, and that Bishops instruct Elders Quorum presidents and Relief Society Presidents, then you probably don’t need to worry if you are ever in a car accident.  And you would also certainly fail in a game of Six Degrees of God (i.e. Kevin Bacon).

The reddit link with the original source material can be found here:

Masterbation now a question for 8 year olds in the Baptismal interview. from exmormon

Ep 307 – Unrighteous Dominion: The Smackdown
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