Ep 287 – Independence Day 2016

A never-Mormon from England stumbled across Infants on Thrones and tells us who she is and what she thinks.  A woman comes to terms with her reaction to her drag Queen husband.  A physician who suffers from Crohns Disease explains the psychological and emotional impact of daily chronic pain, and a way that understanding changes the traditional narrative of Jesus bleeding from every pore in the Atonement.  These are just a few of the many excellent listener essays in  today’s Infant Compilation.  They are all very good, except for the bad parts.  (that’s not a slam — it’s a reference to one of the essays.  You’ll see what I mean)

A never-Mormon from England stumbled across Infants on Thrones and tells us who she is and what she thinks.  A woman comes to terms with her reaction to her drag Queen husband.  A physician who suffers from Crohns Disease explains the psychological and emotional impact of daily chronic pain, and a way that understanding changes the traditional narrative of Jesus bleeding from every pore in the Atonement.  These are just a few of the many excellent listener essays in  today’s Infant Compilation.  They are all very good, except for the bad parts.  (that’s not a slam — it’s a reference to one of the essays.  You’ll see what I mean)

Ep 287 – Independence Day 2016
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