Ep 285 – Hey Jeremy…

Ever wonder why the Infants are such smug, dismissive, judgmental, black-and-white thinking ex-mormons who are no better than the smug, dismissive, judgmental, black-and-white thinking Believing Mormons who they smugly and dismissively mock, and bully, and disrespect again and again and again? Well one listener named Jeremy has and asked the question, “Why you gotta be so caustic, yo? Can’t you Infants just respect people, dog?” So listen in as Matt and Glenn say, “Hey Jeremy… here’s what we think of all that. Homey.”

Ever wonder why the Infants are such smug, dismissive, judgmental, black-and-white thinking ex-mormons who are no better than the smug, dismissive, judgmental, black-and-white thinking Believing Mormons who they smugly and dismissively mock, and bully, and disrespect again and again and again? Well one listener named Jeremy has and asked the question, “Why you gotta be so caustic, yo? Can’t you Infants just respect people, dog?” So listen in as Matt and Glenn say, “Hey Jeremy… here’s what we think of all that. Homey.”

Ep 285 – Hey Jeremy…
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