Ep 263 – Tribute to a Dear Friend

Glenn pays tribute to Kevin, his childhood friend. The guy who was in a private plane crash when he was 5 years old and lost all feeling in his legs; the guy who saw his wheelchair as a mark of his worthiness, or lack their of, and tragically took his own life at the young age of 31. Glenn was asked to speak at Kevin’s funeral back in November 2002, and recently found the audio of that speech, as well as some journal entries where he struggles with the doctrinal implications of Kevin’s death.

Glenn pays tribute to Kevin, his childhood friend. The guy who was in a private plane crash when he was 5 years old and lost all feeling in his legs; the guy who saw his wheelchair as a mark of his worthiness, or lack their of, and tragically took his own life at the young age of 31. Glenn was asked to speak at Kevin’s funeral back in November 2002, and recently found the audio of that speech, as well as some journal entries where he struggles with the doctrinal implications of Kevin’s death.

Ep 263 – Tribute to a Dear Friend
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