Ep 233 – Family Under Attack – Man on Man Edition

How is this new LDS policy impacting real lives of real people? Why would a gay couple even want their children to be involved in the Mormon church? And how does a gay person even have children in the first place? Scott conducts two interviews with men whose families are directly impacted by the LDS Church’s Children Alienation and Exclusion policy. Listen in as the Infants once again do their darnedest to scoop their big tall buddy, John Dehlin.

How is this new LDS policy impacting real lives of real people? Why would a gay couple even want their children to be involved in the Mormon church? And how does a gay person even have children in the first place? Scott conducts two interviews with men whose families are directly impacted by the LDS Church’s Children Alienation and Exclusion policy. Listen in as the Infants once again do their darnedest to scoop their big tall buddy, John Dehlin.

Ep 233 – Family Under Attack – Man on Man Edition
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