Infants on Thrones

The Philosophies of Men, Mingled with Humor

Month: September 2014

Ep 112 – Nostalgia and stuff

Tom, Jake, Chelsea, Bob, and Glenn talk to Doug about his listener essay: “Nostalgia for Bloomington” and go on all kinds of interesting (just for the sake of self-congratulations let’s just go with “interesting”) tangents.  Like:

  • how to tell the difference between culture and doctrine,
  • how to tell the difference between culture and “DEEP” doctrine (if there really is such a thing),
  • how to predict who in your family will go inactive first simply by their age and/or birth order,
  • how to compare your mormon experience to life in a college town,
  • how to tell the difference between a liberal mormon and a Mormon Liberal,
  • how to make important life-decisions once your Jiminy Cricket-shaped Holy-ghost-powered Liahona has fallen out of your back pocket,
  • how to hear a Tom-sigh when Tom is sighing only on mute

Ep 111 – Our Mormon Expression – Part 2

Part 2 of our stroll down Mormon Expression memory lane.

Ep 110 – Our Mormon Expression – Part 1

In this two-part episode, the full quorum — Tom, Glenn, Randy, Bob, Matt, Scott, and Jake — take a very long stroll down memory lane and discuss their collective experiences with the Mormon Expression podcast — the good, the bad, and the ugly.

But mostly the good.  Cuz once upon a time, we put as much energy, love, and passion into that podcast as we do into this one.   And it’s finally time to tell that story (for anyone who might find it interesting or meaningful).

We take a mostly chronological approach, spanning nearly three years of our collective lives:

Part 1 focuses on the early days of Mormon Expression, starting in June 2009, with Tom as a founding member, and finishes up with Glenn joining the group in early 2010.

Part 2 begins with a reflection of Tom’s classic interview with Will Bagley (Bishops asking young men about sex with animals, anyone?) and takes us up through the contributions of Scott, Bob, Randy, Matt, and Jake to the end of our Mormon Expression experience and the beginning of Infants on Thrones around June 2012.

Apologies upfront for the length and often whimsical self-indulgence of our discussion.  If you are not familiar with Mormon Expression or did not follow that podcast during the time we are discussing, this may turn in to a very long snooze-fest.  But it was certainly important and impactful for us.  Because for a significant part of our lives, it was Our Mormon Expression, too.

Ep 109 – PPI – All about Matt

Ever wanted to know more about Matt?  Bob, Glenn, and Randy give Matt his very own PPI: Personal Priesthood Interview, Infant Style.   (Not to be confused with our upcoming seventeen part series: Personal Infant Speaking Segments, or PISS).

Ep 108 – Cultural Relativism Can Bite Me

Matthew Vernon provides a listener response to Chelsea Shields Strayer’s recent Placebo Effect episodes and sets the stage — excuse me, constructs a “springboard” — for a future panel discussion on the value (or not) of Cultural Relativism.

To listen to the Reasonable Doubts episode Matthew references, follow the link here:

Ep 107 – Sister Smith Goes to Priesthood

Tom and Jake talk to Laura about her listener essay — her life-changing experience attending Priesthood Session of conference.

Ep 106 – Dear God Part 2 – Practical Jokes

What does a prayer from Alison have to do with an Infant discussion with Matt, Glenn, Randy and Bob on infantile practical jokes?  This.

Ep 105 – The Placebo Effect – Part 2

Part two of the conversation with Chelsea Shields Strayer about The Placebo Effect.

Click here for the full lecture from Dr. Irving Kirsch.

Ep 104 – The Placebo Effect – Part 1

Chelsea Shields Strayer joins Glenn, Matt, and Scott for a discusion on The Placebo Effect.

Part 1 covers Chelsea’s time as a cultural anthropologist in Ghana, why she got involved in Africa, and how her field work among the Ashanti changed the way she views her Mormon culture. We also discuss cultural relativism — when is it OK to judge a culture’s vices and become an advocate for change? And we begin to discuss the Placebo Effect based on the faith healers Chelsea studied in Africa — how an inert medication or treatment can actually cause measurable physical change in a person’s body.

Ep 103 – Shakespeare in the Bush

Glenn shares his favorite essay and teases an upcoming 2-part episode. “Shakespeare in the Bush” was written by Anthropologist Laura Bohannan in 1966 about the time she set out to study the Tiv of West Africa and was taught the true meaning of Hamlet.

Text of the essay can be found here:

Shakespeare in the Bush

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